Monday, January 27, 2014

Scoliosis Diagnosis

This blog is going to be an outlet for me to vent through my daughters Scoliosis Journey. If other parents would like to comment/or have questions or concerns feel free to post and I will answer back each and every message!

I have had a hard time finding information on what I am looking for regarding her I think if I can be of any help to others by posting my daughters story and any information I find helpful-this will be worth it!

Here is a picture of my beautiful 13 yr old Makenna

She is super athletic-plays competitive bball,volleyball,tennis. Part of the National Honor Society,Gets straights A's and is truly a role model.
Her diagnosis came to us as a total shock. Day One (which was last Tuesday so almost a week now) was a total blur. We were awake all night just in a daze googling everything we could get our hands on to make sense of this!
Since then we have gathered as much information as we could find and have made a decision regarding her treatment.
Day One (was the diagnosis) Shriner Hospital Appt Tampa,Fl. Dr. Dakwar.
He had confirmed she had 3 curves in her back. The curve near her lower back was the worst at 49 degrees the center was 40 degrees and we didn't get a degree on the one near her neck he just said a slight curve. We had taken her to a chiropractor after getting a school sports physical because they said they could tell she had a curve. We knew from a couple yrs ago she had a slight curvature and my husband is a physical therapist so he kept an eye on it but it did not look bad. She also has had no serious problems like severe pain or a limp.. The chiro said her cruves were at 28 and 36...WAY OFF! That was a couple months ago so who knows how much more it cruve but im sure not that much. Anyways we are where we are right now and that is debating whether to go with the brace we found through SPINCOR. It is a soft brace that I had found while googling alternative braces and treatments for our daughters diagnosis. Dr's frown upon the hard braces because of the failure rate..but this soft brace SPINECOR looks promising. I will post all about this brace along with pricing and how it works in the next post.